To better integrate care, achieve more predictable costs, and foster program innovation, states have increasingly turned to managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) as a delivery system designed to integrate acute care and a portion of their LTSS benefit.
State MLTSS programs vary widely in the populations and benefits included under managed care. To better understand the state of MLTSS, Sellers Dorsey, in partnership with MHPA, ACAP, and the National MLTSS Health Plan Association conducted interviews with officials from several state Medicaid programs and MCOs offering an MLTSS product. The report includes:
Breakdown of key program features of states at various points in the development of MLTSS programs.
Survey of states currently operating an MLTSS program on program priorities, dual eligible integration, and more.
In-depth look at states' experiences with MLTSS programs including the PHE, Dual Eligibles, Workforce Challenges, and more.
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