Nutrition Supports in Medicaid: Bridging the Gap Between Federal Programs and Managed Care Initiatives
Imagine choosing between paying your rent or buying groceries. For many low-income populations, this is a challenge they face regularly. Food insecurity is a public health issue that impacts more than 34 million people, including nine million children, as of 2021 in the U.S.
Did you know?
- 5% of households in the U.S. are food insecure.
- 100% of U.S. counties have food insecurity.
- 53 million Americans turned to food assistance programs in 2021.
Food insecurity is directly connected to increased healthcare costs and disproportionately affects people of color (POC) and low-income communities. Given the direct connection between food and health nationwide, state governments, healthcare payers, providers, and community-based organizations are working together to address these challenges. This creates a unique opportunity for Medicaid to implement food services and supports and leverage funding to develop programs that address food insecurity to improve the health outcomes of beneficiaries.
“Nutrition Supports in Medicaid: Bridging the Gap Between Federal Programs and Managed Care Initiatives” summarizes the history of nutrition supports from past to present, and explores the challenges faced by states, Medicaid agencies, managed care, and community-based organizations in combatting food insecurity.
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Want to learn more about food insecurity and nutrition?
Watch our live webinar 'Nourishing Communities: Addressing Food Insecurity and Nutrition for Better Health' here.